
Blueprint for the Kingdom: The Purpose of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness is unavailable, but you can change that!

The kingdom of God is introduced and comes alive in the heart of the Old Testament through the tabernacle story in the wilderness journey of the Israelites. Given by God to Moses at Mount Sinai, the detailed plans of the tabernacle, that accompanied the Hebrew people in the desert and provided a central dwelling place for God in their midst, is the very blueprint for the kingdom of God and...

it remains a crucial turning point in the wilderness journey. God had brought the Israelites from Mount Sinai to Kadesh-barnea. Spies were sent out to report on Canaan. Upon their return, two gave good reports and encouraged the people to trust God and enter. But the other ten spies were negative and distrustful, subsequently aggravating the already impatient Israelites. The glory of God appeared in the tabernacle and to Moses. God was very displeased with his untrusting children and would have completely
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